How to Proactively Prevent Contract Disputes

Deceived couple disputing about mortgage loan with realtor

Contract disputes commonly arise because one or both parties lack a concise understanding of what is laid out in the contract, or ambiguous language leaves the door open for differing interpretations of the drafted terms. 

Luckily, litigators experienced in contract law can lend a level of clarity and coherence from the get-go to avoid contract disputes down the road. 

Let’s take a look at some helpful measures to proactively prevent contract disputes from arising.

Fully Understand the Contract

Contracts can be pretty cut and dry, or complicated and rife with jargon and wording that a layman may find difficult to grasp. A summary drafted by a contract lawyer can be extremely helpful and should be completed, read, understood, and agreed upon by both parties before closing negotiations. This will reduce the risk of misunderstandings and subsequent disputes.

Prepare for Potential Problems

No contract is immune to uncertainty, and the unexpected should be expected. A well-written contract will include specific clauses that make it pliable to sudden and unpredictable changes in circumstances. 

In the event of an emergency that threatens to alter operations put forth in the previously agreed upon terms, perspicuous mechanisms should be in place to  resolve disputes and allow for any  considerations and alterations to be agreed upon before taking effect. 

Be Meticulous

Attention to detail is essential when it comes to contracts, and even the smallest issues should not go unresolved. A cumulation of small issues can lead to much larger, deal-breaking disputes down the line. 

Escalation processes constrained by specific timeframes can mitigate minor bones of contention before they shatter and require serious legal surgery.

Adhere to Timeframes

Clearly defining and adhering to a timeframe of when tasks and obligations ought to be met is critical to keeping things simple. By tracking and logging completed work in adherence to confirmed deadlines, confusion and future confrontational situations can be curtailed.

Wooden mallet on calendar page on table

Bolster a Relationship

A crucial aspect of a successful, dispute-free contract is building and nurturing a positive working relationship between all parties involved. Healthy communication is key, and while disagreements are inevitable in almost any kind of business relationship, maintaining a good rapport goes a long way in minimizing the likelihood that disagreements will mutate into ugly contract disputes.  

Successful partnership in business


Business relationships will be prosperous for everyone involved if both parties are fully aware of and acting in accordance with the agreed upon conditions in a contract. Having the requisite mechanisms in place to diminish disagreements and differences of opinions after negotiations, and to alleviate ensuing disputes is invaluable when it comes to sustaining a productive association. 

If you are seeking to settle contract disputes, or hoping to avoid them altogether, contact Stone Canyon Law for expert guidance in contract law.

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